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The Essence of Bhagavad Gita - Page 5

Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita Continued:

Stanza 41:

अपूर्यमाणमचलप्रतिष्ठं समुद्रमापः प्रविशंति यद्वत् ।
तद्वत्कामा यं प्रविशंति सर्वे स शांतिमाप्नोति न कामकामी॥

Just as the static sea is undisturbed by the innumerable rivers joining it, the person established in the EVEN state of mind (Yoga) is not carried away by the worldly affairs and desires, and such a person will enjoy the supreme peace. This is not attainable by a person plagued by desires.

Stanza 42:

विहाय कामान्यः सर्वान्पुमांश्चरति निःस्पृहः ।
निर्ममो निरहंकारः स शान्तिमधिगच्छति ॥

He who has given up his ego, emotions, not attached to desires (unrighteous, improper, immoral desires), and EVEN minded, such a person is entitled for peace.

Stanza 43:
ज्यायसी चेत्कर्मणस्ते मता बुद्धिर्जनार्दन ।
तत्किं कर्मणि घोरे मां नियोजयसि केशव ॥

Arjuna said “ Krishna, if this intellectual evolution (yoga through knowledge) is better than the evolution through ACTION (karma yoga), then why are you pushing me to karma yoga which may bind me in the bondage of karma ? ”.

Stanza 44:

न कर्मणामनारंभान्नैष्कर्म्यं पुरुषोऽश्र्नुते ।
न च संन्यसनादेव सिद्धिं समाधिगच्छति ॥

Krishna said “ Yoga cannot be attained merely by knowledge alone (Jnana Yoga) if there is an intention to give up Action (Karma yoga). Similarly, merely performing Action without the knowledge of how to perform Action without getting into the bondage of karma, Yoga cannot be attained. (Both are complimentary to each other for attaining yoga).

Stanza 45:

तस्मादसक्तः सततं कार्यं कर्म समाचार ।
आसक्तो ह्याचरन्कर्म परमाप्नोति पूरुषः ।

Therefore, perform action without attachment of desires to it. Such a karma yoga will lead you to the Supreme Being.

Stanza 46 :

कर्मणैव हि संसिद्धिमास्थिता जनकादयः ।
लोकसंग्रहमेवापि संपश्यन्कर्तुमर्हसि ॥

Even people of great Knowledge (Jnana Yoga) like king Janaka, though attained the highest, continued to do selfless Action. Doing action (Karma yoga) for the wellbeing of the world is the appropriate thing for people like you.

Stanza 47 :

यद्यदाचरति श्रेष्ठस्तत्तदेवेतरो जनः ।
स यत्प्रमाणं कुरुते लोकस्तदनुवर्तते ॥

Whatever the great people do, the common people will also follow that because they think it as a standard measure.

Stanza 48:

सक्ताः कर्मण्यविद्वांसो यथा कुर्वंति भारत ।
कुर्याद्विद्वांस्तथासक्तश्चिकीर्षुर्लोकसंग्रहम् ॥

Just as people of desires and attachments do Action for their own purposes, the people of knowledge will also do Action for the wellbeing of the world.

Stanza 49:

मयि सर्वाणि कर्माणि संन्यस्याध्यात्मचेतसा ।
निराशीर्निर्ममो भूत्वायुध्यस्वविगतज्वरः ॥

Therefore, surrender your mind to ME , the Supreme Being, which is also in you, and fight the war without desires, emotions, and any regret (only as your duty as a warrior to uphold righteousness).

Stanza 50 :

इमं विवस्वते योगं प्रोक्तवानहमव्ययम् ।
विवस्वान्मनवे प्राह मनुरिक्ष्वाकवेऽब्रवीत् ॥

I imparted this knowledge of yoga to sun God in the beginning of the creation. Sun God imparted this knowledge to Manu and Manu to his son Ikshwaku.

Stanza 51:

एवं परंपराप्राप्तमिमं राजर्षयो विदुः ।
स कालेनेह महता योगो नष्टः परंतप ॥

This knowledge of yoga was passed on from generation to generation, and gradually disappeared in this world with the passage of time.

Stanza 52:

अपरं भवतो जन्म परं जन्म विवस्वतः ।
कथमेतद्विजानियां त्वमादौ प्रोक्तवानिति ॥

Arjuna said “ You are a person of recent origin. Sun God was born in the beginning of the creation. Then, how could you impart this knowledge to Sun ” ?

Stanza 53 :

बहूनि मे वृतीतानि जन्मानि तव चार्जुन ।
तान्यहं वेद सर्वाणि न त्वं वेत्थ परंतप ॥

Lord Krishna said “ You cannot remember all the innumerable births you have had, but I know all my manifestations ”.

Stanza 54 , 55 & 56 :

अजोऽपि सन्नव्ययात्मा भूतानामीश्वरोऽपि सन् ।
प्रकृतिं स्वामधिष्ठाय संभवाम्यात्ममायया ॥
यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत ।
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् ॥
पवित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम् ।
धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय संभवामि युगे युगे ॥

I am the unborn, indestructible forever by my nature, and the MASTER of the creation. I manifest using my own nature as and when there is decline in Righteousness (Dharma) in the world and re-establish it. Also to eliminate unrighteous people who are sinning, and to protect good and righteous people.

Stanza 57:

जन्म कर्म च मे दिव्यमेवं यो वेत्ति तत्त्वतः ।
त्यक्त्वादेहं पुनर्जन्म नैति मामेति सोऽर्जुन ॥

Arjuna, he who realises that my manifestations and actions are divine and transcendental, in perfect sense, such a person will reach ME after death and shall not be reborn (because he knows the art of right action which does not bind him in karma).

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