Regular Practice of Natural Meditation (Universal Meditation) results in:
Flushing out the carcinogenic radio-frequency electromagnetic waves accumulated in the brain and body due to the use of cell phones, computers and other electronic devices.
Providing a stable physiological base in controlling diabetes, blood pressure, heart problems, etc., along with medicines.
Elimination of Tensions, Pressures and Stresses of day-to-day life.
Increased tolerance, reduced irritability.
Reduction of Pain , Sorrow, Anger & Frustration.
Elimination of Perversions of mind and suicidal tendencies.
Increased calmness of mind (Peace).
Improved concentration, memory and grasping power and increased positive thinking.
Increased Self confidence and Self control.
Better Self management.
Better Physical health and Tension free life.
Better Social behaviour through increased Stability, Adaptability and Flexibility.