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Day Prayer

Day Prayer

1. Throughout the world, seven days of the week are named after the presiding or Governing planet (Lord) of the day, in all Civilizations. Interestingly, the earlier man living very close to pristine nature, intuitively cognized the influence of Planets on man in his day-to-day life and accordingly named each day of the week after the governing Planet of the day. This phenomenon is commonly and universally found in all civilizations of the world. Thus, the nature of operation of Time and its effect on man and human civilization as a whole has been monitored by earlier man and handed down from generation to generation.

2. In India (Bhaarath), where human Civilization is very old, the Sages and saints of yore, through their Meditation intuitively cognized the role of Planets on our day-to-day life and, not only assigned a Planet for each day of the week, but also described the Presiding Deity of that Planet (different layers of vibration i.e., surface and subtle) and handed over the methodology of easing the negative Vibration of the Planet of the Day, in a simple and easy way.

3. In order to alleviate the detrimental effect of a particular planet, one can adopt the mantra of that particular planet and pray or meditate upon it to appease the same to reduce its karmic feedback operation.

4. The name of the Day and the governing planet of the Day are given below along with its ‘Mantra’ for prayer or Meditation.

The Sages and Saints especially in India cognized the Shadow effects of Moon and Earth and termed these shadows ‘Raahu’ and ‘Kethu’ respectively. These shadows are in motion constantly every day, and their effect on human beings is quite subtle and variable. It happens at a specific time of each day and that specific period of time is called ‘Raahu Kaala’ and ‘Gulika Kaala’. Therefore, the Sages have evolved ‘Mantras’ for these shadows in order to ward off their day-to-day ill effects. When prayed during their specifically assigned time of the day, their evil effects could be warded off.


Planet (Gross)

Presiding Deity






Namo Sooryaya Namaha

I bow down to the lord of Sunday and surrender my ego (merge) into YOU



Parvathi (Energy)

Namo Somaaya Nahama

Same as above but the change of planet which is moon for Monday




Namo Mangalaaya Namaha

Same as above but but for planet Mars for Tuesday




Namo Bhudhaaya Namaha

Same as above except the governing planet is Mercury for Wednesday



Bruhaspathi (Shiva)

Namo Bruhaspathaye Namaha

Namo Guruve Namaha

Same as above except the governing planet is Jupiter for Thursday


Venus (Shukra)


Namo Shukraaya Namaha

Same as above except the governing planet is Venus (Shukra) for Friday




Namo Shaneischaraaya Nahama

Same as above except the governing planet is Saturn for Saturday

5. According to Indian Philosophy, the effect of “Raahu” is the cause for skin diseases, cancer, mental illness, split personality and hallucinations etc. In order to ward off the evil effect of this Shadowy Planet, the ‘Mantra’ assigned is ‘Namo RaAhuve Namaha’. The meaning of this Mantra is as explained earlier except for the shadow Planet “Raahu” as the Presiding Deity.

The day prayer for the Presiding Planet of the day can be adopted and prayed by way of repeating the respective mantra only mentally without moving tongue and lips with closed eyes for 54 or 108 times by counting with the help of a rosary (maala) in the morning before beginning the activities of the day.

6. The other Shadow which is the shadow of the earth called ‘KETHU’ has its own effect on each day at its assigned time. Kethu is the cause for depression, physical ailments, despair and false detachment. The Mantra assigned is ‘ NAMO KETHUVE NAMAHA’. The meaning of this Mantra is the same as described earlier, except for the Presiding Shadowy Planet “Kethu”. Raahu and Kethu, the Shadows of Moon and Earth are constantly moving along with their objects. Therefore, their operational time on each day of the week has been cognized by the seers and the same has been handed over to the later generations. Hence, their respective mantras could be practised or prayed at their relevant time of the day following the Almanac.

7. The day prayer for the Presiding Planet of the day can be adopted and prayed by way of repeating the respective mantra only mentally without moving tongue and lips with closed eyes for 54 or 108 times by counting with the help of a rosary (maala) in the morning before beginning the activities of the day. Thereby, reducing the obstructional operation of the Planet of the Day, and thus our activities could be made more successful on that day.

8. Those, in whose Horoscope a particular Planet is weak or negatively placed, then such persons may adopt the ‘Mantra’ given in the earlier Chart for that specific planet and pray on that specific day a bit more by repeating more than 108 times or even meditating on it. The same method can be adopted for shadowy planets also.

9. Those who are practising natural Meditation may do the day prayer by repeating the mantra of the planet of the day for 54 or 108 times thus paying obeisance to the Lord of the day, and then do pranayama (natural deep breathing) and Meditation.

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